"During a police interrogation, the owner of the Athurugiriya tattoo parlor, recently arrested under suspicion of involvement in Club...
"During a police interrogation, the owner of the Athurugiriya tattoo parlor, recently arrested under suspicion of involvement in Club Wasantha's murder, admitted to a premeditated plot. He disclosed, 'I facilitated the contract from Dubai, which orchestrated Wasantha's presence at the tattoo shop's opening ceremony where he was fatally attacked. For this, I received Rs. 10 lakh from Dubai.' This revelation has deepened the intrigue surrounding the case.
Meanwhile, police suspect the attack was orchestrated by underworld figure Kanjipani Imran, who is currently believed to be in Europe. At the crime scene, investigators found T-56 ammunition casings marked with the initials 'KPI', which they suspect stand for Kanjipani Imran.
The tragic event unfolded around 10:00 AM yesterday, when Wasantha, alongside his wife and popular singer K. Sujeewa, attended the inauguration of the tattoo studio located on the upper floor of a two-story building in central Athurugiriya. Shortly after their arrival, two masked gunmen in a white car stormed the venue, opening fire with T56 rifles, leading to the death of Wasantha and his wife Nayana, while seriously injuring five others including singer K. Sujeewa.
Post-attack, the gunmen fled in the same white car, which was later found abandoned in the Korathota area of Nawagamuwa. Subsequent examination of CCTV footage revealed the assailants switched to a white van after abandoning the car. Further investigations also showed the car had fake number plates.
In response to the attack, Athurugiriya Police, the Nugegoda Crime Division, and the Police Special Task Force have launched extensive investigations. During these, it was uncovered that the tattoo parlor owner had received Rs. 10 million from Dubai for organizing the event that led to the fatal shooting.
Club Wasantha, known for owning the Sunhill Hotel Group and other businesses, including employment agencies abroad, had recently sold several properties to settle debts. He was a well-known figure in Colombo's nightlife and was associated with influential individuals including politicians, sports personalities, and entertainers.
It has also emerged that Wasantha had links with major underworld figures in Sri Lanka, including Makandure Madush, another prominent underworld leader. Interestingly, Wasantha was supposed to attend a birthday party for Madush in Dubai but was unable to due to travel issues."
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